Gold Stock Articles

40% Of Global Silver Mine Supply Now Offline

10/4/20 / SRSrocco Report

Now that the Peruvian Government announced an extension of the country's state of emergency until April 26th, the Continue...Read More

Doug Casey: The Deep State Crosses Party Lines

10/4/20 / Casey Research

This all started with the Spanish-American War. That was a serious step on the road to the US throwing away its founding principles, and when it started turning into a global empire.Continue...Read More

Recession is coming: Gold prices to hit new record highs - Jim Rickards

10/4/20 / Ameer Rosic

Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years' experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community, and major hedge funds on global finance, and served as a facilitator of the first ever financial war games conducted by the Pentagon. A frequent guest on financial...Read More

Chris Martenson: Our Authorities' Poor Response To The Coronavirus Is Just Making Things Worse

10/3/20 / Peak Prosperity

To Watch Update #43, CLICK HEREDespite having had more time to prepare, most authorities in the US and EU are responding to the coronavirus spread with such ineffectual and wrong-minded measures that they're just making a terrible situation worse. In today's video, Chris walks through the 'gold standard' process for how a country should act to contain a pandemic like this. How many countries come...Read More

Max Keiser: This is "Part Two" of the 2008 Financial Crisis

10/3/20 / RT

"This is basically a flock of black swans, and they've all collided, and they're dropping out of the sky."Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film-maker. He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on RT. He presents a weekly show about finance and markets on London's Resonance FM, and writes for The Huffington Post. Keiser invented "Virtual Specialist Technology," a software syste...Read More

The Clock Has Stopped - John Rubino

10/3/20 / Financial Survival Network

John and I have been warning you for 9 years about what the economy and the stock market. On numerous occasions we were berated as being "stopped clockers." We always stated that we didn't know when it was going to happen, only that we were certain it would. And surprise, surprise. It finally has. We're not happy to finally be right, since the current situation is truly a tragedy on so many levels...Read More

Alex Jones Arrested For DWI In Texas

10/3/20 / Zero Hedge

InfoWars founder and America's leading conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was reportedly arrested for a DWI in Travis County, Texas, where he's lived for decades in the state's capital city of Austin.Continue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Coronavirus Crisis Just The Latest Excuse For Them To Steal More Of Our Freedoms

10/3/20 / Armstrong Economics

I am sick and tired of losing more and more rights with each passing claimed crisis.Continue...Read More

John Rubino: Great Times Coming For Gold Mining Stocks

10/3/20 / Dollar Collapse

Every once in a while the stars line up in a favorable way, and this year looks like one of those times.Continue...Read More

El-Erian: We haven't made the lows yet

10/3/20 / CNBC

Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor at Allianz, joins "Squawk Box" to discuss Monday's market turmoil and how investors should approach a new trading day.Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services company. He is the former CEO and co-Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO, a global investment firm and one of the world's largest bond funds in the w...Read More

Dollar debt bubble is bursting - Peter Schiff

10/3/20 / RT

Decline in demand for oil due to the coronavirus epidemic, further reinforced by the demise of the OPEC+ production cuts agreement, has crashed the US and world markets, sending traders into a panic-selling mode. The ongoing market turmoil will certainly hit the oil industry heavily, but the impact is likely to reach far beyond it, CEO and chief global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital Peter Schi...Read More

Coronavirus in Africa, how the pandemic is gaining foothold on the continent

10/3/20 / CNN

Cases of coronavirus have been low in Africa so far but the numbers are rising rapidly and a continent with inferior infrastructure and limited financial resources such as Africa could be a disaster waiting to happen. Continue...Read More

Funding Freeze Getting Worse: Dealers Demand Record $216BN In Liquidity From Fed Repo

10/3/20 / Zero Hedge

If you needed another reason to own physical gold in your portfolio...Continue...Read More

Chinese Woman Who Complained About Nasty Quarantine Hotel Forced To Apologize And Deliver Government-Approved Confession

10/3/20 / The Epoch Times

A Chinese woman who just returned to China from South Korea posted a video on WeChat, complaining about the unsanitary and untidy condition of a hotel designated as a quarantine site. The director of the local police department went to her hotel room, and asked her to make a confession by recording a new video praising the Chinese regime.Read More

Bob Moriarty On Coronavirus: 'Most Significant Geopolitical Event In History' - Crash Far Worse Than 2008 Coming Now

10/3/20 / Proven and Probable

Bob Moriarty the founder of 321Gold and 321Energy sits down for an interview to discuss his recent predictions on the current market conditions, which he absolutely NAILED! We are going to discuss the coronavirus, and why T-Bonds and Gold will drop. Bob will introduce two exciting, speculative junior mining companies. Finally, Bob will share which precious metals you should be buying and why. Folk...Read More

EB Tucker: When Gold Hits US$1,900 Everyone Will Wake Up

10/3/20 / Investing News

Gold's recent price activity has attracted some attention, but according to EB Tucker it's the US$1,900 per ounce mark that will bring the metal widespread recognition. "US$1,900 wakes everyone up and then they say, 'Wait a minute, gold is actually rising in this climate. Everything else is in trouble, so we need to own some gold - what do we do?'" he said at the PDAC convention. Tucker, who is a...Read More

What's Wrong With Silver? Gold/Silver Market Update with Mike Maloney

10/3/20 / Gold Silver (w/ Mike Maloney)

Maloney has always said, silver is gold on steroids...Silver can move 5% or more in a single day. Unfortunately, it cuts both ways. The silver price has been falling. Watching it reminds me of that commercial, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up." But silver is not a weak and elderly grandmother. It's one of mankind's oldest forms of money... it's a core industrial element with widespread use in...Read More

Marc Faber Breaks Down Our Phony Economy And Phony Markets

10/3/20 / The Rebel Capitalist Show

Dr. Marc Faber was born in Zurich, Switzerland and obtained a PhD in Economics at the University of Zurich. Between 1970 and 1978, Dr. Faber worked for White Weld & Company Limited in New York, Zurich and Hong Kong. From 1978 to February 1990, he was the Managing Director of Drexel Burnham Lambert (HK) Ltd. In 1990, he set up his own business, Marc Faber Limited which acts as an investment advisor...Read More

Infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm: Coronavirus outbreak will kill '10-15 times' more people than worst flu season, washing your hands won't help much

10/3/20 / The Joe Rogan Experience

Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leader...Read More

Gerald Celente Warns: Police State Will Use Coronavirus To Throw You In 'Quarantine Camps'

10/3/20 / Trends Journal

"This is a military drill. It's the police state."Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumbered by polit...Read More

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