Gold Stock Articles

David Stockman on America's Fake Money Pandemic

13/6/20 / The Scott Horton Show

Scott talks to David Stockman about his latest article on the economic fallout from the coronavirus lockdowns. Stockman begins by pointing out a startling fact: though the stock market has now returned to all-time highs, the American job numbers are back down to where they were in the year 2000. This economic bloodbath, he insists, is not the effect of the virus at all-it is simply the result of a...Read More


13/6/20 / SGT Report

The Fed is going to monetize nearly $1..5 TRILLION per year to keep this Ponzi scheme going. And it's all leading to economic Armageddon.. TF Metals Report founder Craig Hemke joins discusses.Known primarily by his nickname "Turd Ferguson," Craig Hemke is the founder and editor of the popular TF Metals Report blog and podcast, covering precious metals, the financial markets, and greater economic t...Read More

The Economy is DYING: Robert Kiyosaki Believes $3000 Gold, $40 Silver And $75,000 Bitcoin Are Coming Within Five Years

13/6/20 / The Rich Dad Channel

Robert Kiyosaki's recent Twitter update from quarantine, Robert explains this tweet:"ECONOMY dying. FED incompetent. Next BAILOUT trillions in pensions. HOPE fading. Bought more gold silver Bitcoin. GOLD @$1700. Predict $3000 in 1 year. Silver @$17. Predict $40 in 5 years. Bitcoin @$9800. Predict $75,000 in 3 years. PRAY for the BEST-PREPARE for the WORST."In this age of fiat money, Liquidity dete...Read More

Rick Rule: Federal Reserve Is Counterfeiting Trillions - The Negative Results Will Be Outrageous!

13/6/20 / Wealth Research Group

Lior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade in pursuit of thrills and opportunities, gaining valuable knowledge and experience. With Wealth Research Group, Lior allows readers access into the world of the few who beat the markets consistently for decades...Read More

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

13/6/20 / Zero Hedge

An anonymous history professor at U.C. Berkeley has penned an open letter against the current narratives of racial injustice underpinning the BLM movement and ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd.Continue...Read More

Twitter Finally Reinstates Zerohedge After Admitting It Made An "Error"

13/6/20 / Zero Hedge

133 days after Twitter "permanently" banned Zero Hedge on January 31, the social network has reinstated us after admitting it made an error.Continue...Read More

Doug Noland Explains Q1's "Extraordinary" Debt Binge

13/6/20 / Dollar Collapse

Credit Bubble Bulletin's Doug Noland saves the rest of us a lot of time by digging through the Fed's quarterly financial reports and presenting the results in an understandable form.Continue...Read More

Federal Reserve's Desperate Act - Bill Holter

13/6/20 / USA Watchdog

"There is huge demand for physical gold. The amount of gold standing for delivery has increased almost every single day since first notice day. . . . If you go back two years ago, that never ever happened. . . . It looks like the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is supplying the market to tamp down the price. We don't know when an actual failure to deliver event is going to happen, but the...Read More

John Rubino - Silver Shortages, Central Banks, Gold Backed Currency, Financial Stormy Times

13/6/20 / Talk Digital Network

John Rubino is the founder and manager of the popular financial website Mr. Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney's James Turk, of The Money Bubble and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It. He spent the 1980's on Wall Street as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990's he was a featured columnist with and a freq...Read More

We Are Now In The Process Of Dismantling The Rothschild Banking System: Jim Willie

13/5/20 / X22 Report

Jim talks about recent events, explains the stats and how this is all blown out of proportion. Jim then segues ways into the economy and how the central bank is now being loaded up with toxic assets to bring the Rothschild banking system down. Gold is ready to take off and sound money will be returning.Jim Willie is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD...Read More

Michael Oliver provides his usual insights into the momentum of key markets right now

13/5/20 / Jay Taylor Media

J. Michael Oliver entered the financial services industry in 1975 on the Futures side, joining E.F. Hutton's International Commodity Division, headquartered in New York City's Battery Park. He studied under David Johnston, head of Hutton's Commodity Division and Chairman of the COMEX. In the 1980s Mike began to develop his own momentum-based method of technical analysis. He learned early on that o...Read More

What's Happening Now in 4 Easy Charts - Gary Wagner

13/5/20 / Financial Survival Network

Gary is a master at making the complex simple. In just 4 charts he shows exactly where the economy is now in relation to the 2008-09 economic crisis and where it's probably heading. And equally as important, he makes a compelling case for the only insurance policy available to mere mortals, gold.Gary S. Wagner has been a technical market analyst for 25 years. A frequent contributor to STOCKS & COM...Read More

Bob Kudla: No V-Shaped Recovery - Gold Miners On The Move!

13/5/20 / Wealth Research Group

Bob's website: tradegeniusacademy.comLior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade in pursuit of thrills and opportunities, gaining valuable knowledge and experience. With Wealth Research Group, Lior allows readers access into the world of the few who beat...Read More

A Day Of Reckoning Coming? ?+' A Real Conversation with Ben Hunt & Keith McCullough

13/5/20 / Hedgeye

Join Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough and Epsilon Theory CIO Ben Hunt for a pro-to-pro investing discussion about the current market environment.Ben Hunt's bio: Keith R. McCullough is the Founder and CEO of Hedgeye Risk Management LLC. He covers the strategy sector at the firm. Prior to founding the firm, Mr. McCullough was a Partner, Portfolio Manager, and...Read More

FBI accidentally reveals name of Saudi official suspected of directing support for 9/11 hijackers - 'a complete government cover-up of Saudi involvement'

13/5/20 / Yahoo News

"This shows there is a complete government cover-up of the Saudi involvement." "It demonstrates there was a hierarchy of command that's coming from the Saudi Embassy to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs [in Los Angeles] to the hijackers."Continue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates clearly has a whole other agenda that he is not disclosing

13/5/20 / Armstrong Economics

Despite all the data that show far fewer people have died of this virus than the flu, it is the biggest event of their life because he has destroyed the world economy to create a New Green World Order.Continue...Read More

Marcel Arsenault: Beware The "Lazy W"

13/5/20 / Dollar Collapse

Real estate investor Marcel Arsenault has racked up Warren Buffett-scale profits over the past few credit cycles by loading up on "empty buildings" at the bottom, filling them with paying tenantsContinue...Read More

Doug Casey on How Technology and Biological Warfare Will Impact How World War 3 Will Be Fought

13/5/20 / International Man

With all the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus, there has been a renewed discussion on biological warfare.How likely will some form of biological warfare happen in the near future? What could the scenario look like?Continue...Read More

This is the second-most overvalued market I've ever seen, behind only '99: David Tepper

13/5/20 / CNBC

CNBC's "Halftime Report" team is joined by David Tepper of Appaloosa Management to discuss his investment strategies amid the coronavirus pandemic.Read More

The Collapse of Main Street and Local Tax Revenues Cannot Be Reversed

13/5/20 / Of Two Minds

To understand the long-term consequences of the pandemic on Main Street and local tax revenues, we need to consider first and second order effects. The immediate consequences of lockdowns and changes in consumer Continue...Read More

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