Company Press Releases

Exercise of Share Purchase Warrants of 2019 for $448,815

2020-10-14 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - October 14, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI) (OTC:ABMBF) (“Abcourt” or the “Corporation”),  is pleased to announce that almost all holders of warrants issued in the private placement...Read More

Corrections to the Information on the Resources at The Sleeping Giant Mine on the Press Releases

2020-10-05 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - October 5, 2020   Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI) (Berlin: AML-BE and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges: AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Corporation”), reports a mistake in the indication of the classifica...Read More

Corrections a l'Information aux Communiques de Presse de Mines Abcourt sur l'Indication des Ressources de la Mine Geant Dormant

2020-10-05 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 5 octobre 2020   Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (TSXV:ABI) (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin: AML-BE et Frankfurt Stock Exchanges: AML-FF), rapporte une erreur dans l’indi...Read More

Abcourt Mines Rebound After the Mandatory Closing Due to Covid-19

2020-09-29 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)    Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - September 29, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE) and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF (“Abcourt” or the “Corporation”), is happy to announce that the res...Read More

Mines Abcourt Rebondit Apres la Fermeture Obligatoire Due a la Covid-19

2020-09-29 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)     Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 29 septembre 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE) et Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF, est heureuse d’ann...Read More

Update on the Preparation Work for the Opening of the Sleeping Giant Mine

2020-08-27 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - August 27, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE), and (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF), (“Abcourt” or the “Corporation”), is pleased to announce that the prepar...Read More

Mise a Jour des Travaux de Preparation pour L'ouverture de la Mine Geant Dormant

2020-08-27 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)       Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire – le 27 août 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE) et (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF), est...Read More

Bons Resultats au 4e Trimestre et pour L'exercice de 12 Mois Termine le 30 Juin 2020 (Non Audites)

2020-08-10 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)      Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 10 août 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (Bourse de croissance TSX:ABI), (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF),  est heureuse d’annoncer de...Read More

Good Results for the 4th Quarter and the 12-Month Period Ended on June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)

2020-08-10 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - August 10, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE) and (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Corporation”), is pleased to announce good results for the 4t...Read More

Au Cours du Mois de Mai, 10010 Tonnes de Mineralisation Aurifere Ont Ete Cassees, Soit le Meilleur Resultat Obtenu au Cours de la Periode de 12 Mois Terminee le 30 Juin 2020

2020-07-31 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)     Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 31 juillet 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (Bourse de croissance TSX : ABI), (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF) est heureuse d’annoncer qu’apr&#x...Read More

In May 2020, 10,010 Tonnes of Gold Mineralization Were Broken at the Elder Mine, the Best Result for the 12-Month Period Ended on June 30, 2020

2020-07-31 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - July 31, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE), and (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Mines Abcourt inc.), is pleased to announce that after a temporary cl...Read More

En Depit de la Covid-19, Abcourt Declare une Petite Perte Nette de 98 K$ pour le Troisieme Trimestre Termine le 31 Mars 2020

2020-06-05 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)      Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 5 juin 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (Bourse de croissance TSXV) (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), en dépit de la Covid-19, est heureuse d...Read More

Despite Covid-19, Abcourt Reports a Small Net Loss of $98K for the Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2020

2020-06-05 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - June 5, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (OTC:ABMBF), (Berlin:AML-BE) and (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Mines Abcourt inc.), despite Covid-19, is pleased to report a sma...Read More

Abcourt Announces the Re-Start of Mining Activities at The Elder Mine and the Re-Opening of The Sleeping Giant Mill

2020-04-16 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec – TheNewswire - Canada, April 16th, 2020   Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI) (Berlin: AML-BE and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges: AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Mines Abcourt inc.) is pleased to announce the re-start of mining activiti...Read More

Abcourt Annonce la Reprise des Activites Minieres a la Mine Elder et la Re-Ouverture de L'usine Geant Dormant

2020-04-16 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 16 avril 2020 Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (Bourse de croissance (TSX:ABI)) est heureuse d’annoncer la reprise des activités mini&...Read More

Abcourt Reports an Adjusted Net Profit of $1M and a Net Profit of $87K for the Second Quarter 2020

2020-03-11 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - March 11, 2020 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI), (Berlin:AML-BE) and (Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Mines Abcourt inc.) reports its results today for the second quarter ended D...Read More

Abcourt Rapporte un Profit Net Ajuste de 1M$ et un Profit Net Apres Impots de 87K$ pour le 2e Trimestre 2020

2020-03-11 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - le 11 mars 2020 - Mines Abcourt inc. (la « Société » ou « Abcourt ») (Bourse de croissance (TSXV:ABI) rapporte les résultats du 2e trimestre terminé le 31...Read More

Results from the Annual Shareholders Meeting and Private Placement

2019-12-11 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec – TheNewswire - December 11, 2019 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (« Abcourt » or the « Corporation ») (TSXV:ABI) (OTC:ABMBF) is pleased to announce the results of its Annual and General meeting of shareholders held on...Read More

Resultats de L'assemblee Annuelle des Actionnaires et Placement Prive

2019-12-11 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire)   Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - 11 décembre 2019 - Mines Abcourt inc. (« Abcourt » ou la « Société ») (TSX Croissance: ABI) est heureuse d’annoncer les résultats de son assemblée...Read More

Abcourt Reports an Adjusted Net Profit of $900k for the First Quarter 2020

2019-11-29 / @thenewswire

(TheNewswire) Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada – TheNewswire - November 29, 2019 - Abcourt Mines Inc. (TSXV:ABI) (Berlin: AML-BE and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges: AML-FF) (“Abcourt” or the “Mines Abcourt inc.) reports its results today for the first quarter ended Septem...Read More

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