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View the basic WKG.V stock chart on Yahoo Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare WESTKAM GOLD CORP against other companies.
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WKG.V on TSX Venture Exchange 0.02CAD 11:25am EDT. Change (% chg) $ 0.00 (+0.00%). Prev Close $0.02. Open $0.02. Day's High $0.03. Day's Low $ 0.02.
WKG.V on TSX Venture Exchange 0.03CAD 11:52am EDT. Change (% chg) $ 0.00 (+25.00%). Prev Close $0.02. Open $0.03. Day's High $0.03. Day's Low
WestKam Gold Corp:Closed the first tranche of its private placement announced on April 26, 2016.Company raised $1,741,425 by issuing 42,626,333 ...
Company Profile : WestKam Gold Corp.(WKG.V) ?EUR? ?EUR?
Company Profile : WestKam Gold Corp.(WKG.V) ?EUR? ?EUR?
Westkam Gold Corp (WKG.V) ... WKG.V on TSX Venture Exchange 0.02CAD --. Change (% chg) -- (--). Prev Close $0.02. Open --. Day's High --. Day's Low --.
WestKam Gold Corp. is a Canada-based gold exploration company engaged in identifying, acquiring, exploring and developing precious and base metal deposits. The Company is focused on developing its Bonaparte property located approximately 50 kilometers northwest of Kamloops mining district in British Columbia, ...
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WestKam Gold Corp. is a Canada-based gold exploration company engaged in identifying, acquiring, exploring and developing precious and base metal deposits. The Company is focused on developing its Bonaparte property located approximately 50 kilometers northwest of Kamloops mining district in British Columbia, ...
"WestKam Gold Corp is a Canada-based gold exploration company engaged in acquiring and exploring gold deposits. It is focused on the development of the Bonaparte Gold Project near Kamloops, British Columbia. The company operates in one business segment being the acquisition and exploration of assets in ...
View the basic WKG.V stock chart on Yahoo Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare WESTKAM GOLD CORP against other companies.
Oct 17, 2017 ... (WKG.V) (the "Company" or "WestKam") announces that, effective October 11, 2017, Mr. Matt Wayrynen has resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer, and as a Director of WestKam Gold Corp. Mr. Dana Dziurzynski will succeed Mr. Wayrynen as President and Chief Executive Officer effective ...
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People stay away from these guys. They dont have a clue about development mining u/g. Ive seen them in action and all they do is burn cash with stupid decisons. No real miners even want to work for these goofs or ever will. Mining is a small community and the word is out on these guys and consenses is they dont have a ...
WestKam Gold Corp. (TSX-V:WKG) (the "Company" or "WestKam") today announced that, pursuant to the Company's Stock Option Plan, it has granted a total of 22,400,000 incentive stock options to directors, officers and consultants of the Company. The options are exercisable at a price of $0.05 per option share until ...