In its latest Platinum Quarterly report, the World Platinum Investment Council predicts a deficit of 275 koz of the precious metal for 2018 caused by an increase in jewellery and industrial demand. Overall supply is probably going to drop by 1% next year "due in part to a 2% reduction in South African mine
South Africa's platinum mining union Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) has signed three-year wage hike
Platinum group metals (PGMs) miners, Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), Impala Platinum (Implats) and Sibanye-Stillwater on Friday signed
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's biggest platinum mining union sealed three-year wage hike agreements with Anglo American
South Africa's largest platinum mining labor union said it's seeking further "technical" talks with the country's leading producers on Wednesday,
The World Social Forum's "Thematic Forum on Mining and
Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. is in talks to buy land in Zimbabwe from rival
List of PLATINUM mining companies with access to company profiles, projects, resources and reserves and technical analysis.
List of PLATINUM mining companies with access to company profiles, projects, resources and reserves and technical analysis.
Ivanplats, which is currently developing the platinum-palladium Platreef mine in Limpopo, is being accused by the tribe of illegal mining
Global Platinum Mining Market Professional Survey Report 2018 provides a unique tool for evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities,
At current prices and costs, over 60% of South Africa's platinum-mining industry is loss-making or marginal, according to the Minerals Council of
Transition Metals (TSXV: XTM) announced this week that it completed a ground magnetotellurics or MT survey and stacked an additional 235
The price of platinum is expected to rise to US$924/oz in 2020 on the back of growing demand for use in autocatalysts, the GFMS team at
Platinum mining in Zimbabwe has been governed by the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act, first introduced in 2008 by
With only one platinum mining operation in Montana, the United States relies on other countries - primarily South Africa - for roughly 73
Power imports are cushioning platinum mining companies against the electricity cuts but gold mines could face production cuts as they
Power imports are cushioning platinum mining companies against the electricity cuts, but gold mines could face production cuts because they
HARARE, May 31 (The Source) - Zimbabwe's mining chamber has asked the government to allow majority ownership by foreign investors in
Tharisa Plc, the platinum and chrome miner run by the Pouroulis family,