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Super Low Premiums!

November 14, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

How does a market making bullion dealer decide the prices of bullion products over spot (called the price premium)? Supply and demand. We now have a customer willing to sell a large amount of bullion to us. This one customer is helping to tilt the scales of market demand so that prices are now lower for all bullion items. But also, market conditions have changed, as lower demand creates lo...Read More

The Dollar is Done - Deal with It

November 07, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Psychologists tell us that there are five stages of grief over loss of whatever kind, usually death, or breaking up with a loved one, which are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I've applied these to the loss of the dollar, as I see most people today are still stuck in denial, and here's how to deal with that.Denial. Most people in America are in total denial. But the d...Read More

Halloween is Bible Prophecy

October 30, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

The resurrection is everything! If God can bring the dead back to life, how much more easily can he heal broken hearts, and raise the spiritually dead back into communion with Him? Even my little boy Jude, age 3, has told me that he can pray to God, who he knows is his Father in heaven, who can help him not be sad anymore!Before you react in knee-jerk fashion, and accuse me without cause, and...Read More

Be Careful with Emgold Stock

October 29, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

On Friday morning, I wrote about a stock, and it went up 73% that day from 11 cents to 19 cents/share.http://silverstockreport.com/2011/emgold.htmlPlease be careful. I know the stock is a good deal. However, at the present time, I recommend that nobody bid more than 20 cents/share for the stock. There are several reasons.The most important reason is that the company needs to raise money,...Read More

Why Silver and Gold will go up, and by How Much

January 01, 1970 / silverstockreport.com

The government is spending $1500 billion more per year than they are getting in taxes. They are not borrowing this money; they are printing it. There is no political will to fix the problem. The "Occupy Wall Street" protests are about a protest against the Wall Street bailouts, but also, it's about the 99% wanting more government handouts than they are already getting, and already 43 milli...Read More

Peak Oil or Peak Silver?

January 01, 1970 / silverstockreport.com

There is a 50 year supply of oil in the ground, but only a 13 year supply of silver. This means that if peak oil is true, then peak silver is more true, that we will run out of silver, first. If that happens, you can forget about peak oil, because without silver, we won't have any computers or electronics to be able to go out and explore for, or pump, or deliver, any oil.But wait, see, 10 year...Read More

Silver Price Changes

September 27, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

This kind of volatility we are seeing in silver is insane, and is further proof that the paper market is manipulating the price! Silver hit a low of $26 yesterday, yet 3 days earlier it was $40.50!$40.50 minus $26 = $14.50/oz. dip. $14.50/$40.50 = 35.8% drop in three days!?!And yet, this morning, silver hit a high of $33.65. In just over 24 hours, silver bounced back by about 29%? $33.65 minus $...Read More

10 Biblical Skills for Managing Wealth

August 22, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Long ago, I realized that it would be much more effective to help people to become wealthy, if I also prepared them personally and mentally to handle the wealth. After all, lottery winners usually fail at manaing their new wealth.1. You need to be able to learn, especially when the correction seems harsh, or unpleasant. This must be important. The Bible says this one twice in the same word...Read More

What's Pushing Gold to New Highs

August 18, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

There are two major developments in the past two weeks that are pushing gold to new highs, with gold reaching $1825/oz. this afternoon.First, GATA, the Gold Anti Trust Action Committee, knows more about the gold industry than any other organization on earth, in my opinion. The last time they hosted two other conferences, few attended, but enough did so that the gold price exploded both times....Read More

Keep Tahoe Blue!

August 17, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

My intellectual curiosity got the best of me, and so, I attended the Lake Tahoe Summit 2011, the 15th Annual event sponsored by CA Senator, Diane Feinstein. 15th annual Lake Tahoe Summit: Restoration may depend on private dollars, officials sayhttp://www.sierrasun.com/article/20110816/NEWS/110819957/1066&ParentProfile=1051Governor Jerry Brown also spoke. What did they say? Not much other tha...Read More

Lost in the Debt Ceiling Debate

July 28, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

"--The borrower is the servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7There is no need for the government to borrow more money to be able to make payments on old debt. The US Treasury does not need to borrow from the Federal Reserve. The US government does not need to "serve" the Federal Reserve.The US Treasury can be authorized by Congress to print US Treasury notes (money) directly, like they used t...Read More

BIS Changed Silver Data

July 06, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has changed, or revised, their silver derivatives data in their derivatives reports. The change took place between their June, 2010 report, and their December, 2010 report, for the period of June, 2009. The change was from $203 billion in "other precious metals" liabilities, changed down to $93 billion.The change took place, in Table 22A: Amounts...Read More

How I Felt When I Bought Silver

June 28, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Before I was ever moved to buy any silver, I felt that I needed to own a gun. I was in my early twenties, just out of college, and I felt that having a gun was the responsible thing to do. It was a bit scary, because neither my mom nor dad ever owned guns. But the constitution implies that every able bodied man should be a part of the militia, and I didn't have any kids to worry about, and s...Read More

The Temple Tax

June 23, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Matthew 17:24-27 (New International Version)The Temple Tax 24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma (half shekel) tax came to Peter and asked, "Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?" 25 "Yes, he does," he replied. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?" he asked. "From whom do the...Read More

Real Silver Still Legal

June 20, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Regarding:Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15http://www.infowars.com/trading-of-over-the-counter-gold-and-silver-to-be-illegal-beginning-july-15/You will still be able to buy silver and gold from real bullion dealers like the JH MINT.Here is the actual text of the law:http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ203/html/PLAW-111publ203.htmThe part of the Frank-...Read More

Basic Info on Silver

June 03, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

What is the Federal Reserve? And why do some say we should use Constitutional money, such as silver and gold?I'm hearing that most Americans, even in the Tea Party, don't know who the Fed is, or why we need to use silver and gold as money. This article is for them.If you have USA paper money in your wallet, or if you have money in the bank, then you have been ripped off. Paper money in the...Read More

The End of the World

May 23, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Harold Camping's ministry and followers reportedly spent up to $100 million to warn the world that the rapture would come on the 21st. Today, it's the 23rd, and Camping and his followers are still here. I feel bad for them, as I also once tried to predict the rapture, way back in September 11th, 1999, and I spammed usenet to preach it! So, I know a bit of their disappointment. I still b...Read More

Does a Dealer owe you Silver?

May 10, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Involuntary bankruptcy is a court process by which a debtor's creditors can bring a bankruptcy petition to a federal court to restructure the business of the debtor corporation (Chapter 11), or even liquidate the debtor corporation's assets (chapter 7).Consider: The Feds would generally like any excuse to liquidate the assets of a deadbeat especially a bullion dealer.One cannot bring an involunt...Read More

Why Silver Will Go UP for Years to Come!

April 07, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

1. No nation on earth is using silver as a circulating medium of exchange. The State of Utah is leading the way by making it legal tender.2. All nations on earth are using paper for money, which is about as wise as building houses out of straw. The amount of paper money is uncountable, and is constantly soaring to new highs. The USA stopped reporting the amounts of money in the banks bac...Read More

Why Copper Cannot Be Money!

February 23, 2011 / silverstockreport.com

Copper is NOT money, and can never be money.I just bought a 15 kilo copper bullion bar. It was $360. With copper at $4.32/pound, the bar is 33 pounds, and thus has $142 worth of contained copper. The mark-up on the copper bar is 150% over spot! Copper 1 oz. rounds would contain about 29 cents worth of copper, but cost at least 70 cents just in manufacturing costs, for a markup of 240% over s...Read More

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